About VRA
VRA, working with its state agency partners, stakeholders, and local governments, provides cost-effective, responsible, and innovative financial solutions to support vibrant and resilient communities.
Financing solutions draw on VRA’s creativity and unique ability to provide revolving fund loans to localities at below-market interest rates and to issue bonds backed by the moral obligation of the Commonwealth. The VRA team offers extensive experience and expertise in various financings and provides ongoing assistance to localities in connection with their public projects.
Project Areas

VRA supports community investments in the following areas:
- Water
- Wastewater
- Local Government Buildings
- Public Safety
- Transportation
- Energy
- Parks and Recreation
- Solid Waste
- Airports
- Brownfield Remediation and Redevelopment
- Federal Facility Development
- Flood Prevention and Dam Safety
- Land Conservation and Preservation
- Broadband
- Site Acquisition and Development for Economic and Community Development
- Administrative and Operations Systems
- Defective Drywall Correction and Restoration
- Oyster Restoration
- Dredging
- Affordable Housing